Sport, much more than a simple physical activity, is an essential pillar in maintaining good health. Sport has many benefits for the body and mind, and cellular oxygenation plays a key role.

In the world of sport, whether for passionate amateurs or professional athletes, optimising performance is a constant quest. As well as rigorous training, hydration and the right nutrition, a crucial element that is often overlooked is cellular oxygenation. That's where Bol d'air Jacquier comes in, offering an innovative approach to improving the body's ability to use oxygen more efficiently, with multiple benefits for endurance, recovery, sleep...

Why is cellular oxygenation essential for good health?

To understand the importance of cellular oxygenation, it is crucial to grasp the essential role of oxygen in the functioning of our body. The cells in our body need oxygen to produce energy. This energy is essential for carrying out all vital functions, including those linked to physical activity.

The assimilation of oxygen is hampered by a number of factors, including ageing, pollution and stress.

When we engage in sporting activity, our muscles need more energy. By supplying sufficient oxygen to muscle cells, we optimise their ability to produce energy efficiently.
A well-oxygenated cell produces 18 times more energy.

Regular physical activity stimulates the cardiovascular system. When we exercise, our heart rate increases to meet the muscles' increased demand for oxygen.

> Download the white paper on efficient breathing


The benefits of good cellular oxygenation in sport?

There are many benefits:

  • Improved endurance: muscles can work more efficiently for longer.
  • Faster recovery: better elimination of lactate, which helps reduce the feeling of fatigue and speeds up recovery. It also provides muscle cells with the nutrients and oxygen they need to repair themselves more quickly.
    Intense exercise can also lead to increased oxidative stress and tissue inflammation, which can damage cells and delay recovery. Better cellular oxygenation helps to eliminate metabolic waste and regulate the body's inflammatory response.
  • Improved quality of sleep: better cellular oxygenation contributes to this improvement by facilitating muscle relaxation and helping to regulate sleep cycles.
  • Increased VO2max
  • Improved blood circulation...

The Bol d'air Jacquier: a major asset for sports enthusiasts

Bol d'air is a natural method that transforms the essential oil of turpentine (Pinus Pinaster) into an oxygen carrier.

It improves oxygen uptake without artificially altering oxygen consumption, transport or release. Inhaling natural aromatic molecules does not affect blood markers, making it a non-doping method.

It is also the only method that boosts our anti-free radical capacity and helps to reduce oxidative stress.

Using the Bol d'air Jacquier is simple and only takes a few minutes a day. Sportsmen and women can incorporate this practice into their daily routine, either before a training session to naturally boost their performance, or afterwards to speed up recovery.

Pierre MORTEFON windsurfing sportsman practices the Bol d'air Jacquier

Pierre MORTEFON windsurfing sportsman practices the Bol d'air Jacquier

The Bol d'air Jacquier: for all sporting disciplines

By incorporating the Bol d'air Jacquier into their routine, amateur and professional athletes can give their bodies the support they need to excel on the field, the track or in any other sporting field.

The Bol d'air Equin model, meanwhile, is designed for horses, who can benefit from its advantages in a wide range of disciplines.

They've made the Bol d'air Jacquier part of their routine

Pierre MORTEFON - Windsurfing

Jordan GUEHASEIM - Discus throw

Stéphane RICARD - Cross-country race

AQUALOFT Paris 16 - Fitness Room

So whether you're looking to improve your physical condition, reduce stress or simply prevent ageing, incorporating the Bol d'air into your daily life is a valuable investment in your health and overall quality of life.

Bol d'air is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

It is a supplement designed to improve general health. It can be adopted as part of a healthy lifestyle and protection against the impact of modern life. Under no circumstances should it replace a treatment tailored to your personal situation, advised and prescribed by a health professional.