Whooping cough was the starting point for a major innovation in the field of global health, the Bol d'air Jacquier, named after its inventor.

This invention, which has been supported by HOLISTE for 35 years, now offers a natural solution for improving cell oxygenation, relieving breathing difficulties and boosting energy levels.

What is whooping cough? Why did René Jacquier become interested in it? What natural solution did he find? Why is the Bol d'air Jacquier so popular?

That's what you'll find out in this article.

Whooping cough, definition and symptoms

Whooping cough: definition

Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. This infectious disease mainly affects children, although adults can also suffer from it. The bacterium is transmitted by droplets emitted by infected people when they cough or sneeze. Once inhaled, the bacteria colonise the respiratory tract, producing toxins that paralyse the vibratile cilia responsible for eliminating mucus and causing inflammation.

Symptoms of whooping cough

It manifests itself in violent, prolonged bouts of coughing, often followed by a characteristic ‘crowing’ sound on inspiration. This paroxysmal cough can last for several weeks, or even months, and can be so intense as to cause vomiting, exhaustion, or even serious complications such as pneumonia, convulsions or cerebral haemorrhage.

Despite medical progress and widespread vaccination, whooping cough remains a threat, particularly to newborn babies.
View the whooping cough dossier on INSERM


Whooping cough flight

In René Jacquier's day, the only known treatment was air travel or the ‘whooping cough flight’. This consisted of taking sick children in a non-pressurised aeroplane for a very rapid ascent to altitude. The resulting sudden decompression caused increased and rapid release of oxygen from the blood into the cells, thereby stimulating the body's overall ability to defend itself.

Bol d'air Jacquier: a new lease of life for respiratory health

Whooping cough, the reason for the invention of the Bol d'air Jacquier

For René Jacquier, it was the starting point for a reflection on cellular oxygenation as a condition for good health.

If this sudden change of altitude relieved the symptoms of whooping cough, it was because there was a very strong link between the blood's capacity to deliver oxygen from the air to the cells and the state of health.

So, to treat this microbial disease effectively, the solution was to improve cell oxygenation.

Faced with the suffering of his daughters suffering from severe whooping cough, René Jacquier sought a simple, natural and rapid way of improving cellular oxygenation.

As a research chemist and inventor with a thorough knowledge of organic chemistry, he observed and questioned nature.

What are the characteristics of the air in regions known since ancient times for their health benefits?

His observations and reflections, based on the ‘whooping cough flight’, led him to the fundamental design and development of a unique oxygenation device: the Bol d'air Jacquier.

A tried and tested system

Since its invention, the Bol d'air Jacquier has proved its effectiveness far beyond the treatment of whooping cough. It is used to improve overall health, for a variety of respiratory problems such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and even allergies.

It works by transforming the pinenes in pine resin into oxygen carriers. Inhaled in front of a generator, these molecules are captured by the blood and transported throughout the body. Acting as catalysts, they facilitate the release and assimilation of oxygen throughout the body.

By providing all our cells with highly bio-available oxygen, the Bol d'air Jacquier contributes to better overall health.

An enduring legacy

The Bol d'air Jacquier is widely available today. It has become essential in integrative health centres, complementing traditional therapies. It is also used in spa treatments to improve breathing and revitalise the body.

Companies are incorporating it into their workplace well-being programmes, particularly to reduce stress.

It can also be used in the home, offering individuals a simple, natural way to improve their health.

Many people testify to the benefits of the Bol d'air Jacquier.