For businesses

Stress at work affects a large proportion of French workers. Nearly a quarter of them (24%) are even in a state of ‘hyperstress’, considered ‘too high’ of a level and therefore deemed a risk to their health. These are the results of a study carried out by the firm Stimulus.

Employees who feel good about themselves and are in good health guarantee good performance for the company.
3 minutes of Bol d'air every day: a simple, quick and concrete answer to being better oxygenated, more efficient and transforming your day.
A natural solution, for a decline in concentration and lack of motivation…
According to a Malakoff Humanis study from October 2020, 52% of employees have sought a healthier lifestyle since the beginning of the health crisis and 86% want prevention and health to be integrated into the long-term strategy of the company.
The lack of oxygen in our cells is implicated in the onset of concentration disorders. However, there are many reasons for this deficit: pollution, stress, ageing, etc., even if there is a sufficient quantity of oxygen in the air.
Bol d'air is a natural method to rebalance the oxygenation of the body. It is suitable for all and has no side effects.
The Bol d’air allows you to:
> Preserve intellectual, physical, emotional and sensory abilities
> Limit the impact of:
- Environmental pollution
- a sedentary lifestyle, screen work and chronic fatigue
Recharge your batteries in 3 minutes… to feel great all day long
With the Bol d'air, a few minutes per day are enough to stimulate the body for several hours. All you have to do is breathe in front of the device, 5 cm from the corolla.
For proper use of the Bol d’air:
> it is desirable that a ‘point of contact’ be identified to advise users and ensure the device is properly maintained.
> Holiste is there to support you, train your employees and remains available for regular monitoring.
> Holiste provides you with: documentation, poster and stand for displaying usage instructions and precautions.
Our QVT partner: beOtop
For 17 years, beOtop has been deploying fast and concrete ‘well-being’ solutions for its business customers for increased employee efficiency and contributing to the improvement of their quality of life at work.
Their core business is the establishment of turnkey revitalisation spaces, for self-service or enriched with a tailor-made program of well-being workshops, to educate and support employees to take charge of their personal and professional well-being.
Always on the lookout for more innovative and effective techniques, beOtop naturally selected the Bol d'air, the concept's flagship solution, and is inviting professionals to test it in their showroom on the ChâteauForm terrace
in La Défense.

Thanks to beOtop, many employees have already integrated the Bol d'air into their daily routine. The concept benefits small businesses as well as larger ones. The device is installed in dedicated well-being areas, at reception, in meeting rooms, in gyms or even in concierge services.
REFERENCES: L‘Oréal - AG2R La Mondiale • Groupe Pasteur Mutualité • Conciergeries Iskills: KPMG, Idémia, Parc Icade..
Sandrine Diagana, employee services manager, presents the corporate use of the Bol d'air Jacquier for L'OREALemployees within the revitalisation spaces set up by beOtop:view her testimony
Cyril Baranes - iSkills corporate concierge - testifies about the use of the Jacquier Bol d'air for business, following the deployments carried out with beOtop: view his testimony