Here, art and science breathe and feed off each other's creative emotions.

Our exhibitions

4 exhibitions punctuate the year, following the rhythm of the seasons.

The "visitor-spectator" who receives the work takes part in the creative act through his or her senses and sensory memory.

In this quiet space, inviting you to concentrate, in contrast to the noise of our capital or your own bustle, allow yourself this cultural "Bubble" to reconnect with yourself!


Exposition of Aurélia ALCAÏS, 2023

Exposition of Aurélia ALCAÏS, 2023

Exhibition of inks and washes by Pascale EVRARD, 2023

Exhibition of inks and washes by Pascale EVRARD, 2023

Exposition Arrosia, 2022

Exposition Arrosia, 2022

Exposition Paris Under Attack of Éric ACLYON, 2022

Exposition Paris Under Attack of Éric ACLYON, 2022

Liberalitas exhibition, in support of the Centre d'Art Contemporain Franck Popper, 2022

Liberalitas exhibition, in support of the Centre d'Art Contemporain Franck Popper, 2022

Liberalitas exhibition, in support of the Centre d'Art Contemporain Franck Popper, 2022

À l'Origine Du Mouvement exhibition, by Irène GRANDADAM, 2022

Exhibition Le Soulèvement, by Jean-Marc MUNERELLE, 2021

Exhibition Le Soulèvement, by Jean-Marc MUNERELLE, 2021

Sea Foam & Breaking Waves exhibition, by Pierre FAURE, 2021

Sea Foam & Breaking Waves exhibition, by Pierre FAURE, 2021

The reading corner

Take advantage of our library and discover our selection of books on breathing, personal development, art, ecology, global and environmental health. Adèle Faber and Elaine Mazlish, Daniel Kieffer, Laurence Salomon, Irène Grandadam, Stéphane Janssoone, Jean-Pierre Willem and many other authors' works are available for consultation. Some are also on sale in the shop.

Time to read, relax and discover, but also time to meet others at our book signing events; the Holiste Les Ateliers library invites you to take a break from the daily grind...

So read in comfort and breathe!

Writing workshops

Breathlessly writing and speaking.

The writing workshop is a time for everyone to discover, refine and develop their own pen.

It's also a group where sharing enriches everyone's work.

Designed for all ages, the workshops are based on literature. Writers past and present are our companions.

The writing proposals have a dual function: to encourage work in a specific area of writing, and to guide the desire to write towards the different territories of memory, reality and the imaginary. The texts are read aloud. Comments on the texts are exchanged in a warm but demanding atmosphere.

In this way, through the intelligence generated by the exchanges, you become a better reader of your own texts and those of others.

"But it's true that if you want to breathe deeply, you need music in the background that breathes into you and slowly lifts you up. I was born a lung, like everyone else; the grace I'd been waiting for was slow in coming, until the day when, to hear myself better, I walked word by word across pages, at random. All of a sudden it breathed easy. I'd found it. I continue, inhaling and exhaling calmly, lifting up the words." Sentence by Ludovic Janvier.

Positive communication workshops

Because communicating is also about breathing together, we invite you to try out the Faber & Mazlish approach.

This approach encourages adults to develop the communication skills they need to establish healthy relationships with children and teenagers through constructive dialogue. These workshops are led by Genoveva Desplas, a graduate in communication science, parent guide, trainer and facilitator of the Parler/écouter approach.

This work requires a commitment to a process of 7 meetings.

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