Legal notices

The website is the property of the company SAS HOLISTE LABORATOIRE ET DEVELOPPEMENT with a capital of €500,950, registered with the RCS of Mâcon B 352 451 140, having its registered office at Le Port - 71110 ARTAIX - FRANCE.
The company HOLISTE is responsible for the content of the website. The website is hosted by the company ADISTA.
The title, design, form, content (trademarks, texts, organisation of colours, illustrations, animations and original images) of the HOLISTE site, its general architecture and its presentation, but also any software, compilation of software, source code and other elements contained on the BOUTIQUE.HOLISTE.COM site are the property of HOLISTE.
This website constitutes a work protected in France by the Intellectual Property Code, and abroad by the international conventions in force on copyright. The violation of one of the copyrights of the work is an offense of counterfeiting punishable by articles L.331-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code, without prejudice to the penalties provided for in the event of violation of the law. n° 78 -17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms and provisions relating to infringements and freedoms of individuals. The entire content of this website – including text, images, graphic presentations and/or audiovisual files – is – unless otherwise stated – protected by law and may not be sold, modified, disseminated, reused, repositioned, exploited or used in any way for public or commercial use without written permission from HOLISTE.
Brands: HOLISTE LABORATOIRE ET DÉVELOPPEMENT, HOLISTE, ORESINE, JACQUIER BOL D'AIR, BOL D'AIR; logos, industrial designs and all other signs, designations or symbols which may be used for informational and commercial purposes and which appear on this site are the exclusive property of HOLISTE. Any reproduction or use of these trademarks, in any way and for any reason whatsoever, is prohibited, except with the express authorisation of HOLISTE.
Under no circumstances can the company HOLISTE be held liable for:
• The editions and content of documents appearing on these other websites;
• The use of trademarks, logos and other distinctive signs of the websites reproduced after activating the hyperlink;
• The integrity, reliability and completeness of the information provided by these other websites.
We remind you that the content of the website (including photos) is not contractual and that it may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical errors or omissions.
HOLISTE reserves the right to modify or update the content of this site without notice.
Users and visitors must refrain, with regard to personal information of which they may be aware, from any unfair collection or misappropriation and, in general, from any act likely to infringe privacy or consideration of people. Users are informed that the data on this website is provided by HOLISTE for purely informational purposes. The use of this data and the results and/or conclusions that may be drawn from it is the sole responsibility of those who use it. The information collected (personal data) on this website will be recorded for processing and for the requirements of management. It may be communicated to companies affiliated with HOLISTE and to authorised distributors participating in the marketing of products and services and for commercial solicitations, unless the user wishes otherwise notified in writing to the address indicated below. This website has been the subject of a personal data processing declaration to the National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (CNIL), pursuant to article 16 of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to computing, files and liberties. You have a right to access, modify, rectify and permanently delete personal data concerning you, which you can exercise by mail by sending your request to HOLISTE Le Port - 71110 ARTAIX – FRANCE.
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